Thursday, September 13, 2012

Holy Smoked BBQ!

Nothing says fall like the smell of smoking meat. I came home Sunday for family dinner and the smell was in the air. First day of football ANNNNDDD smoked meat?? Yes please!  So my dad was smoking a few butts (maybe they were shoulders, I'm not really sure) and a rack of ribs for a few hours. I took home a few pieces and threw them in the crockpot with some apple cider vinegar to cook while I was at work. Did my apartment smell amazing or what?!

Smokin' on the grill

Look how it came clean off the bone!


Add one cup of apple cider vinegar. Cook for 10 hours on low in your favorite slow cooker. Remove from crockpot and shred with two forks. Put in a casserole dish or bowl and top with your favorite barbecue sauce. I used a locally made sauce, "Mini Malbons"

**One of Joe's favorite. He ate almost all of his in two seconds!